Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog For Profit | Blogging For Profit

One of the most common questions people ask me is "can I blog for profits?"  The answer is YES.  I have been blogging and making money in the online world for quite some time now and, one of the easiest ways to do this is utilizing a blog.

To start off, blogging for profit, you will need to learn how to set up a blog.  There are many ways of going about doing this.  I have been using Blogger due to the low maintenence required to keep the blog up and running.  The other application I  use is WordPress.  WordPress offers a lot more customization but has a bit of a learning curve when starting off.  Basically, pick a site or application you want to use and stick with it until  you feel comfortable and if you want to change it up down the road you will still have the basic knowledge behind the art of blogging.

The next step is to figure out what you want to blog about.  For some this step is very easy and for others it can take much more time than anticipated.  One technique I use is I will just surf around the internet and every time I see something that I like or gets me thinking I will jot down the website and topic and put it in a ongoing list of topics for blogs I run.  It is better to blog about something you have a passion for, rather than something you constantly have to do research on. This just makes it a thousand times easier to write content for your blog.

Moving forward, possibly the most important aspect of blogging, content.  You will want to fill your blog with rich and intriguing information to keep readers engaged and interested in what you have to write about.  This is a key factor in generating returning traffic.  Post as frequently as possible (about one post per day) this will keep your readers occupied with content.  If you post to much your readers will feel overwhelmed or spammed and will tend to stop following your blog.  On the other end of the spectrum if you post to little or not at all readers will see no point in returning to your blog for there is no current information.  So a happy medium is necessary.

Once you have your content in place you will want to find a tactic to make an income stream.  There are many ways of doing this.  For instance, if you are using Blogger as your blog engine, you have a tab in the back office that is labeled Monetize.  This feature allows you to ad Google's AdSense ads to your page with minimal effort.  It allows you to alter how many ads are placed and what kind of ads are placed with the click of a mouse.  This program works by how many impressions you have or how many times the ad is actually clicked.  Other ways to profit with your blog are affiliate programs.  If you sign up for certain affiliate programs that are related to what you are blogging about you can promote a product alongside your information in return for a commission.  This method can be very rewarding if executed properly.  Clickbank is a great site that has many digital products that you can promote.  The site gives you a personal referral link to the product you are promoting and you can copy and paste it into your blog.

After your blog is completely set up you will have to do some promoting to gain traffic.  A few good ways of doing this are social media sites, email lists, and traffic exchanges.  I have detailed information on my blog of specific methods and tools to acchieve the results you will need to blog for profit.

With all that said and done, keep in mind to keep your content fresh and interact with your readers.  By doing those two simple things you will keep your readers engaged and in return make money with your blog.

Questions or Comments? Feel free to ask, I am more than willing to help.

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  1. Andrew~

    This is kind of a generic post about doing this. I would suggest breaking each of these steps down and giving the reader links and action steps to do this. It will help them get started quicker and will put you in more of a position of authority.

    As far as Blog platform, I am biased towards Wordpress as I feel they have many more options to help customize. There are many sites out there that will help get you up and running a wordpress blog easily and securely.

    The thing I like most about WP is that I can be looking at other blogs and find something that I liked and then easily find a plugin to mimic that on my own site.

    As far as posting frequency, I only post two times a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. This gives me time to promote and work on my other aspects of my business. Posting everyday is a surefire way to burn yourself out. I find that with 2 posts a week, subscribers will pay more attention to your content and you can release higher quality content!

    Thanks for the insight!


  2. Thanks Steven,

    As I was publishing this I was thinking about going more into depth on each topic which I am going to post over the next few days breaking down each aspect of doing this. As far as posting frequency I have had great success posting on a daily basis. These are just my methods that have worked for me over and over again and I am sharing them with the public. If you have better luck posting 2 times a week that's great but I have a reputation of posting on a daily basis and I have been doing so for quite some time now.

    Appreciate the feedback,
    Andrew Barker
