Monday, June 20, 2011

3 Reasons to build a LIST

Some people live by their list, and others don't even believe a list is relevant.  This is a major issue with internet marketers and I am going to tell you three good reasons that you should build a list.

1) Having a group of go to people is a very helpful tool.  If you build a personal list of people that you stay in contact with you can have a team behind you.  Having a close relation with members of your list can prove to be extremely beneficial to your internet endeavors.  When you have a question that cannot be answered by internet searching maybe some of the tech savvy individuals on your list may be able to help you with a coding issue your ran into or help you convert a image to the specified needs for a template.  No matter what the case is having a close relation with the people on your list will almost never be a disadvantage.

2) Easy marketing crowd.  If you build your list of people trying to earn money then you will have that demeanor behind the list. If you build your list with a capture page for saving animals then your list will show the love for animals.  Depending what you are promoting is going to determine the type of people you have in your list.  Keeping this in mind, If you are promoting more than one product you may want to create different lists for each product/service depending on how alike the products/services are.  You can always create a master list of all contacts but keep your sub-lists as well so you can easily shoot emails or promos to that specific list when the opportunity arrives.

3) By having a loyal list you have a solid base for your marketing needs. So when you join your next MLM program you just use your auto-responder and send out hundreds of emails to your list members and instantly gain referrals or signups for the program and start making money fairly quickly.  But, you have to make sure that you have a QUALITY list.  This means that the people on the list are serious and willing to put out a little money to get some in return.  This is probably the hardest part of building a list.  You could have a list of one thousand people but if only 15 of them are serious about internet marketing and willing to invest then you are just wasting the other 900 and some odd peoples time by sending them emails that they probably don't even want.  With that said do not just use your lead capture page for making your list (yes this works but it is very impersonal and does not turnover as well) talk to the people use Skype or send them personal emails give them a phone call, show these people you care about them and really want to help them succeed in making money online.  When you make it personal people will trust you more and your sales and referrals will skyrocket.

Many people neglect the fact that the list is an extremely powerful tool.  The list is also considered to be exponential in some ways.  For example, you have a list of 87 close people that love internet marketing just as much as you do and you send them your new MLM program you just joined 72 of them join your MLM program now you have 72 people that have lists of hundreds and thousands of leads that you can get commissions from.  This just keeps going on down the line and depending on how the MLM program is set up you can go 5, 10, 15 and sometimes 20 levels deep with these referrals, making you tons of money with minimal effort on your part.

How do you use your list?

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why do I blog?

I have been asked multiple times over the past few months: Why do you waste your time blogging?

My answer to that question is both simple and complex at the same time.  It is simple because I like to offer help to others that are looking for it.

It is complex at the same time of what I do with my blogs.  I use them as a marketing tool and to expand my network.  By having faithful readers who trust me I have potential clients to purchase products I may offer.  Plus they are a great form or free advertisers because some will refer their friends to one of my blogs.  There is no limit to what you can do with a blog and that is why it is so neat.

I blog for passion to help others.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Free Ping Services

If you have never pinged your blog you must start today! It is a great way to get free traffic to your site.

Pinging tells search engines that you have posted new content. Search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing like new and updated content and will you a higher ranking in the search results.

Submit your site or XML feed to any of these ping services when you update your content on you blog or website. To do this just copy and paste the URL (ex. into the box the pinging service requires.

If the service you are using allows you to submit feeds as well do it the same way as above just using your feed URL.

My Page Rank 
Submit for free, submit your URL to 20 popular search engines from one MyPagerank.Net Google PageRank Checker - Check Google page rank
Webmasters, monitor your webpage pagerank

Blog and Ping Tool - Use to Drive Traffic your Blogs and Websites Use to Ping your Blogs and Websites in the best way possible!

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated. is a service which does the hard work for you. We notify all the major blog directories in one go so that everyone knows about your latest blogs.
(Do not use the RSS feed option it will not work for this service)

Automates Ping Blog and Podcast for Free

Feed Shark
Ping your blog, feed, or podcast for free!

Blog pinger - Blog ping service
Pingates is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them.

Blog and ping , Blog ping , ping , Blog Search , Speed Test , Rank

Feed Ping
Free Website and Blog Multiple Submission Service - FEED PING Website and Blog Multiple Feed Service

King Ping Your Blog
Update pinging services to get the best results from all the important search engines. It is all automatic, so set it up and forget about it.

Ping 4 Free: Free Blog Ping Service
This site offers a blog ping service that pings well over 100 tested and functioning blog directories (actually 133 at last update). You must register, but registration is totally free.

Syncr Ping Service
Syncr is a Service to Update Different Search Engines That Your Blog or Web Site Has Updated.

Ping over fifty blog services instantly. Pingoat also has an XML-RPC server. Ping services like Technorati, newsgator,feedster..

How Often Should I Ping???

You should ping your blog or site every time you make major changes or update content on it.

BEWARE-- Although pinging is a great way to drive more traffic to your site/blog over pinging or PING SPAM is a very bad thing and will result in your page either getting banned or lowering its rank.


If you need any additional help please leave me a comment and I will help you out.

-Andrew Barker